Home Baked Excerpt in Sensi Magazine

My mom Meridy was a cannabusiness pioneer, the driving force behind San Francisco’s first high-volume edibles business. For more than twenty years—from the frothy 1970s through the AIDS crisis and the dawn of medical marijuana—Sticky Fingers Brownies produced up to 10,000 potent magic brownies per month in an underground bakery, long before it could be done legally.
I grew up embedded in deep cannabis culture. Of all the stereotypes I’ve encountered, the one that bothers me the most is the notion that cannabusiness is a man’s world in which women are now beginning to claim space. At least here in northern California, the frontier has been female.

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Winner of the 2020 GOLDEN POPPY AWARD for nonfiction from the CA Independent Booksellers Alliance!

I’m floored to learn that HOME BAKED won the 2020 Golden Poppy for nonfiction! Recent recipients include Julia Flynn Siler and Michael Pollan, so I’m in ridiculously fine company. In normal times, this would have involved a fancy lunch, a special dress, and shaky hands. But it’s 2020 so I’m chomping on Krispy Kreme delivery…

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HuffPost Personal: My Mom Secretly Made Pot Brownies for AIDS Patients

A family of deer exploded out of the forest. I must have been 6, squatting in the dirt driveway with my model horses as the animals dodged around me, eyes bulging. Then a helicopter emerged from behind the trees, its body like a giant insect, loud as a machine gun. It hovered low overhead, sending debris whirling into my face. My mom rushed out of the house and pulled me close to her body. The chopper moved on toward the next ranch.

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